Nearly 19 years in East Africa and counting...

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Idaho Part 3 - Boise

The final leg of the vacation had us returning to Boise. After five weeks, the trip was slowly drawing to a close. Over 50 hours of driving. 8 states. Lots of airline miles. I had the sense that my daughters were running out of steam and were looking to get back to their routines, their friends, etc.

There was a considerable amount of smoke in Boise from the various fires in the region. At times I could feel it in my eyes. It’s not healthy to do too much exercise outside in these conditions. Consequently, I did most of my exercising in the gym. I did a couple of early morning runs but I kept them relatively short.

smokey early morning run

* * *

We were supposed to stay with my younger sister but she was having knee surgery. Thankfully I have another sibling in town and we stayed at her wonderful place located on the Boise River. I must say, all of my siblings live in cool locations so staying with any of them is fun. Plus we all get along well.

One of the mornings in Boise we went to a park and watched the cousins’ soccer practice. I don’t know who the coach was but he was amazing. I’m not sure how you keep more than a dozen little kids in line. I’ve worked with kids that age before and it’s like herding cats. This guy was some sort of child-whisperer. In addition to always being in control, they were having tons of fun and learning skills. People like that don’t get enough credit. 

neighborhood pool to ourselves

family get-together

* * *

Priya was scheduled to leave three days early to spend time in Washington DC with friends - a continuation of her birthday. That meant I was single dad for a few days. We would need to run errands, pack and mix in some fun every now and then. The time flew by and soon we would say our goodbyes and were on our way. The plan was to meet up with Priya in Amsterdam and fly back to Nairobi together. It worked out as planned. 

Mt. Ranier poking through the clouds


As fun as it all was, it was good to be home.

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