Nearly 19 years in East Africa and counting...

Saturday, January 7, 2023


(this post goes back to late October)

Wedged in between trips to Somalia, we were able to get away to Mombasa during the girls’ school holiday. I needed to work much of the time but it was good to be on the coast again.

We were in touch with some friends who were also going and we coordinated with them, going to the same hotel – a place we’d never been before. It’s always a balance between the comfort of “go with what you know” and the adventure of checking out new places. With small children, the former was usually the option. As they are older, it’s more of a toss-up.

We took an evening flight to Mombasa, arriving after dark. We usually take morning or early afternoon flights so this was an additional change for us. The hotel arrangement provided a vehicle for us to transfer from the airport to the hotel.

I do like the humid air, particularly in the evening as it’s not unbearably hot. It always makes me think of my years in Dar es Salaam. Admittedly, I became quite tired of the heavy tropical air after a few years, but now, having been away from it for some time, I can embrace it, at least for fixed periods of time.

the waterpark

The hotel is clearly a destination for kids. It has a waterpark as well as staff who carry out activities throughout the day. It would not be something I would choose were it not for the girls. Even now, as the girls are getting older, our time of kid-friendly destinations is drawing to a close. The hotel waterpark was not the kind that you see in the US and many other countries where it has something for all ages. This one was more or less for the pre-teen crowd. On top of that, the hotel welcomed a large group of local school kids for their end-of-year activity. It basically added another hundred kids or so, just to make sure that the constant sound of screaming kids wasn’t interrupted by moments of silence.

the family

There was an adult pool in a separate area. Unfortunately the hotel had booked a massive teambuilding event for some company most of the time that we were there. Those who know me are aware that I abhor teambuilding activities, at least as they are normally done. Most Africans I know love them. It’s a cultural thing I suppose. But I would rather have a stick poked in my eye. Like them or not, the event ruled out any calm reading time, devoid of noise.

spa with a view

The beach was quite good overall. Some of the beaches are laden with kelp that is either cleaned up by hotel staff or tolerated by beachgoers. Some are also quite rocky in this area. Though there were some rocks, it wasn’t bad. Though we didn’t snorkel, we did swim out with goggles on and were treated to some tropical fish within about fifty meters from shore. That’s something I never tire of.

Priya and Kinaya out for a trek

Happily, the place also had a gym. I realize that it’s the sort of thing that is not everyone’s cup of tea. But for me, it’s wonderful. And I have to say, though the equipment had seen better days, the location beats any gym I’ve used before. It sits right on the beach, offering views of the turquoise Indian Ocean and the occasional passing camel.

East Africa Rainbow Lizard

In the end, we did find some time to relax. It’s likely that we’ll avoid this particular hotel in the future. It’s good to branch out sometimes because it can expose you to wonderful new things. Or it can give you a greater appreciation for what you have experienced before. 

the look of enjoyment


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